Thanks to all readers for your support in 2016. I’m taking a short break for the holidays and will be back on January 4, 2017.

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Here are my top 10, most-read posts of 2016.
How to engage workers in safety meetings — The best way to engage workers is to treat them with respect, show your belief in their intelligence, and inspire them to have confidence in themselves.
Tips for summer safety — Here in beautiful British Columbia, we have many ways to enjoy the season — so here are some tips to help you and your loved ones stay safe at work and play.
Women need safety gear that fits — Despite the growing trend of women entering the trades, there is a giant gap in the market for women’s work and safety gear.
Students design cookie dough dispenser to reduce MSI — A cookie dough dispenser was made by second-year students in the Capstone Project course, in which they design, manufacture, test, and present a unique device relating to the discipline of mechanical engineering.
Leading safety in tattoo and piercing industry — “When you’re looking at new people coming into the industry or at people who are the old-schoolers who have not kept themselves educated, there are certain things that absolutely must be put into place.”
Trench collapse can be deadly — “Rescue is often difficult, as others would be putting their own lives at risk by climbing in to dig someone out.”
Take extra care when Daylight Savings Time ends — There’s an increased number of vehicle crashes in the late afternoons for two weeks after the time change compared with the two weeks before.
An evolving approach to injury prevention — “Not all of the health and safety risks out there are necessarily found in claims data. The idea is to start addressing health and safety risks before they result in an injury to a worker.”
Cops pose as flaggers to catch distracted drivers in the act — About one in three drivers is on a cell phone while passing through her worksite, says a traffic flagger.
Safety team visits First Nations independent schools — “We’re able to deliver the message that you have rights and responsibilities and nobody wants anyone to get injured.”