Spot the Fall Hazards is a series of interactive activities for construction, health care, kitchens, and mining.
Spot the Fall Hazards is a series of interactive activities for construction, health care, kitchens, and mining.
Back injury is the number one body part injured in both General Trucking and Moving and Storage CUs. Adjusting backrests, seats, mirrors, and other parts of the cab helps. So does safe exiting – using 3-point contact.
New video from CCOHS describes workers’ right to know, right to participate, and right to refuse unsafe work.
Awkward hand position? Heavy lifting? Neck bent and twisted? You’ll see it in Spot it. Fix it. – an online challenge from Nova Scotia WCB.
Last year in BC, 6,500 workers were injured from slip, trips, and falls. A new video series from WorkSafeBC addresses this risk in a school setting, where there are many people moving through hallways and classrooms every day.
“It’s Your Job: What do you need to make it fair and safe?” That’s the question posed to youth for the 2013 student safety video contest sponsored jointly by WorkSafeBC and the BC Employment Standards Branch. The deadline for entries is Friday, April 5, 2013 at 5 p.m. – which means there’s lots of time for BC students in Grades 8 to 12 to have a video ready in time.
Recently I talked with an animal groomer who said it’s fairly common to get bitten by pets. Then I found some more info on injuries caused by animals – and some of them surprised me.
Fit For Snow– created by Delia Roberts – is a resource for “folks who work at snow sport areas, to help them improve their on-snow performance and reduce their risk of injury.”
“Word of mouth travels fast in social media circles so it is a really good way to access a lot of people at once,” says this communications manager from the BC Construction Safety Alliance, spreading the word re: Bridging the Gap conference Nov 22-24.
A career in heavy machinery could a bit closer for 30 Kelowna students who might choose that path – which is good news for an industry that (like many others) needs new workers to keep pace with retirement rates. I hope all students look out for themselves by researching potential employers’ safety culture, practice, and record